Spot welder with a condenser

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This welding machine is mainly used where point welding is required, but it is not possible to carry it out in a classical manner. For example, in the automotive industry, lining the interior parts of the various tanks, isolating the interior of heating and cooling chambers (sticks which hold insulating layers can be welded through insulating material) and can be easily used in other industries. Handling is very simple and safe. The gun must filled with the part to be welded, push it to the surface to be welded and activate the weld. The charging and emptying of the capacitors is monitored by electronics and they can always be charged to the desired energy level. The length of the welding torch can be up to 5 m and the length of the grounding wire is the same. We produce 5 types of machines, of base sheet thickness from 0.2 mm to 30 mm. Welding materials: steel, stainless materials and  aluminum under argon gas.

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